"Teresa Walters: Exquisite Pianist, Outstanding Talent, Overall Allure"
Walters could be compared to the music itself. Graceful and willowy with icy blond hair, Walters possesses a powerful presence not only while playing the piano, but also talking with her audience as well. She was poised and incredibly well spoken and proved to be no stranger with the stage. Walters wore dramatic sparkly gowns both before and after the intermission, which contributed to her overall allure. “It is always a privilege to share the world’s great music,” said Walters. Before each group of pieces she performed, Walters shared a brief background of the compositions. The event consisted of a beautiful “Liszt” of tunes. Such titles included Harmonies poetiques et Religieuses, Benediction, or The Blessing of God in Solitude, Annees de Pelerinage, or Years of Pilgrimage, Romance, and the Canticle of the Sun of St. Francis of Assisi. Many of the compositions contain wistful and haunting elements as well as stirring, powerful notes. Walters’s long, graceful fingers did Liszt’s work justice as one could almost get lost in the emotional music of the piano. Evident while playing and speaking, “Music is the language of the soul,” she said. In recent years, Walters has gained worldwide acclaim for her astounding talent. Many have dubbed her as the “International First Lady of Piano.” She also possesses the growing reputation of becoming one of the finest interpreters of Liszt performing and recording today. Walters’s career has allowed her to perform as recitalist and orchestral soloist on six continents. She has performed in many venues across the U.S. including New York’s Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center. Most notably, she is the first American pianist invited by Hungary to present the Anniversary Concert in honor of Liszt’s 200th birthday. Franz Liszt was a Hungarian composer, pianist, and conductor renowned throughout Europe in the 19th century. Many believed him to be the greatest pianist of all time as well as being the most technically advanced. One of Liszt’s many achievements was the creation of the symphonic poem. The poem is a piece of orchestral music that contains both narrative and illustrative elements. “Liszt was the greatest piano virtuoso the world has ever known,” said Walters. Walters honored the musician beautifully and engaged the audience wonderfully with his music and a big grand piano. For two hours, nothing else was needed. The music spoke for itself.” |