"A Liszt of Very Fine
Performances" "There was much to admire: The
crashing octave runs were all right on the mark. Not a note was smudged in
the pages of intricate passagework, and her conception had all the
requisite sweep, power, and warm sonority." "Her playing was marvelous!
As close to perfect as I hope to hear." "The audience left with a feeling
of ecstasy, so spiritually powerful was her performance." "Poetic, Captivating
Performance" "A true virtuoso, she held the
audience spellbound with her astonishing playing and visionary stage
presense." "An enormous talent" Mini Biography: “Her prestigious invitations to perform in honor of the Liszt Bicentennial included Copenhagen’s Hungarian Embassy and Beijing’s Forbidden City Concert Hall. As her international travel resumes in 2021-22, she debuts in Amsterdam, Singapore, St. Petersburg and South Africa. In 2019-20, she toured internationally with her acclaimed program Celebrating Our World, honoring the world’s shared heritage and common humanity. In 2017-18, she performed her 500th Birthday Party program in major world capitals in celebration of the Quincentennial of the Reformation. Her biography could be written from headlines alone: “Teresa Walters Plays Piano on Grand Scale” (The Cincinnati Inquirer); “Her Hands Create Cascades of Luminescence” (The Washington Post); “A Liszt of Very Fine Performances” (The Budapest Sun); “Bright Shining Star in Recital” (El Norte, Mexico); “Teresa Walters Holds Keys to Audience’s Hearts” (The Record). In recent years, she has performed as recitalist and orchestral soloist on six continents and in most of the 50 United States at venues including Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center in New York, Wigmore Hall in London, the Salle Cortot in Paris, Moscow’s Great Hall, Australia’s International Conservatorium and Jerusalem’s Concert Hall. With her vast repertoire, she has also performed at Vienna’s Beethoven Festival and at Spanish Music festivals in Barcelona and Madrid. Her Lincoln Center recital in New York earned a standing ovation from a capacity crowd. She is the first American pianist invited to present three Anniversary Concerts in honor of Liszt’s birthday: Teresa Walters is known for her commitment to music as the ultimate universal language, and for her vision of music as ministry. She is equally at home in the world’s major concert halls or in campus and community settings where her popular "Keynote Comments"© endear her to audiences. In addition to maintaining an extensive international touring schedule, she is recording a series of releases for Archangelus Records featuring the sacred piano works of Liszt. Her recordings have received nominations for the Grand Prix du Disque of the Hungarian Liszt Society. Teresa Walters grew up in the American Midwest. She earned her Doctorate from Peabody Conservatory and has lived most of her adult life in the New York City area. She and her husband share their urban home with cats Max and Coco; they share their lake house cottage with outdoor wildlife including songbirds, swans, herons, eagles, bears and deer. Her favorite hobby is bird watching; her favorite cause is animal welfare; her favorite dessert is crème brulée; her favorite literature is the Book of Psalms. Teresa Walters is an International Steinway Artist.
During the 2020 global pandemic, Teresa Walters touched the world with her video Music for Hope and Healing. She also shared her Lakehouse Video Series combining two of her great passions – music and wildlife. As her international touring resumes in 2021-22, she debuts in Amsterdam, Singapore, St. Petersburg and South Africa. In honor of the Liszt Bicentennial, Copenhagen’s Hungarian Embassy presented Teresa Walters in an all-Liszt gala recital as did Beijing’s Forbidden City Concert Hall. In 2019-20, she toured internationally with her acclaimed program Celebrating Our World, honoring the world’s shared heritage and common humanity. In 2017-18, she performed her 500th Birthday Party program in world capitals in celebration of the Quincentennial of the Reformation. Teresa Walters is described by Austrian National Television as “that rare musical phenomenon – a pianist born to the instrument. One of the world’s most significant pianists, she creates magic with the music.” Her engagements in Russia performing Rachmaninoff as orchestral soloist received 5 curtain calls. Her Lincoln Center recital in New York was sold out and earned a standing ovation from an enthusiastic audience. The American Record Guide has written: “Her competition is virtually nil.” Growing up in the American Midwest, she began playing the piano when she was 4 years old, when she also began studying a map of the world. Her biography could be written from headlines alone: “Teresa Walters Plays Piano on Grand Scale” (The Cincinnati Inquirer); “Her Hands Create Cascades of Luminescence” (The Washington Post); “A Liszt of Very Fine Performances,” (The Budapest Sun); “Concert Extraordinaire” (Bucharest Stagiunea); “Bright Shining Star in Recital” (El Norte, Mexico). Japan’s leading music magazine Ongaku No Tomo reported: “The audience left with a feeling of ecstasy, so spiritually powerful was her performance.” International tours in recent seasons have included Austria, Hungary, Switzerland, Australia, Russia, Japan, Scandinavia and Israel where the Jerusalem Post described her artistry as “Marvelous! As close to perfect as I hope to hear.” Other highlights include brilliant debuts in Manila and Hong Kong, performances with the Romanian Brasov Philharmonic in celebration of their 125th Anniversary, a South American debut in Sao Paolo sponsored by Brazil’s Serie International De Concertos in honor of International Women’s Day, and an invitation to perform with the Bombay Orchestra at India’s National center for the Performing Arts. Under sponsorship of the Liszt-Kodaly Society of Spain, she performed the inaugural recital of the International Liszt Cycle in Zaragoza.
A familiar face on the world’s greatest concert stages, Teresa Walters has performed at New York’s Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center, Wigmore Hall in London, the Salle Cortot in Paris, and the Great Hall of Moscow. The New York Times writes: “There was much to admire: The crashing octave runs were all right on the mark. Not a note was smudged in the pages of intricate passagework and her conception had all the requisite sweep, power, and warm sonority.” New York Concert Review reports: “Her transcendental performance magically transforms the keyboard. She has a huge, rolling sound and makes music like an eagle surveying the landscape.” Teresa Walters earned her Doctorate from Peabody Conservatory and was awarded an international fellowship for a year of study in Paris. She and her husband live in the New York City area. They also enjoy a lakeside cottage getaway with abundant outdoor wildlife including songbirds, swans, herons, eagles, bears and deer. They share their home with two cats – a Maine Coon (Maxine) adopted from the animal shelter and an American Bobtail named Cocopuff Chanel. Max and Coco eagerly anticipate her homecoming from every concert tour. Her favorite hobby is bird watching; her favorite cause is animal welfare; her favorite dessert is crème brulée; her favorite literature is the Book of Psalms. Teresa Walters is an International Steinway Artist. Teresa Walters is a gifted communicator who enjoys speaking and relating to her audiences. She designed her KEYNOTE COMMENTS® to more fully share the music in appropriate settings. Her entertaining and enlightening comments are very popular with a wide variety of audiences. She speaks English, French and German. For other languages, she utilizes an interpreter while always learning a few phrases in the language of her host country. |