Spring 2009 Concert

Concert Association Features Pianist
The Daily Independent
Ridgecrest, CA
“The Indian Wells Valley Concert Association presents its final program of the season on Wednesday at Parker Performing Arts Center. Featured performer is internationally acclaimed Teresa Walters, becoming known worldwide as “The International First Lady of Piano.” In recent years, Walters has performed as recitalist and orchestral soloist on six continents and in most of the 50 United States. Her vast repertoire has taken her to many European music festivals.
She is equally at home in major concert halls and in campus and community settings, where her popular “Keynote Comments” delight and entertain audiences. The program will include music by Franz Liszt, J. S. Bach (arranged by Busoni), Lili Boulanger and others. General admission is $22 each. Season ticket holders unable to attend are urged to release their seats for resale.
Teresa Walters will also present a 50- minute performance for area students the following morning. This program is made possible by the many contributions to IWVCA’s Student Education Fund.”
Friends of Music Present Teresa Walters
The Fayetteville Observer
Fayetteville, NC
“Friends of Music present esteemed concert pianist Teresa Walters on Saturday evening in Reeves Auditorium of Methodist University. Hailed as “The International First Lady of Piano”, Austrian National Television describes her as “that rare musical phenomenon” and “one of the world’s most significant pianists.”
Her biography could be written from headlines alone: “Teresa Walters Plays Piano on Grand Scale” (The Cincinnati Inquirer); “Her Hands Create Cascades of Luminescence” (The Washington Post);
“A Liszt of Very Fine Performances” (The Budapest Sun); “Bright Shining Star in Recital” (El Norte, Mexico);
“Teresa Walters Holds Keys to Audience’s Hearts” (The Record).
Walters is noted for her commitment to music as the ultimate universal language, and for her vision of music as ministry. In addition to maintaining an extensive international touring schedule, she is recording a series of releases featuring the sacred piano works of Liszt. The first two albums of the Abbé Liszt Series have been nominated for the
Grand Prix du Disque of the Hungarian Liszt Society.”
Her program features music by Liszt, Boulanger, and Bach-Busoni and will also feature a Suite for Solo Piano by holocaust survivor Karel Berman.”
Acclaimed Pianist Teresa Walters in Concert
The Porter Center for Performing Arts
Asheville, NC
“In celebration of its 10th Anniversary Season, the Porter Center for Performing Arts presents internationally-acclaimed concert pianist Teresa Walters on Thursday evening at 7:30 PM.
Highly praised by The New York Times as “A musician ready, willing, and able, Teresa Walters tackled a program of large-scaled, big-boned pieces, and she sailed through them with an easy fluency that made each one sound like child’s play. The crashing octave runs were all right on the mark. Not a note was smudged in the pages of intricate passagework, and her conception had all the requisite sweep, power, and warm sonority.”
Walters is the first American pianist invited by Hungary to present the Anniversary Concert in honor of Liszt’s birthday. Prestigious invitations to perform at the Franz Liszt Academy of Music and the Liszt Museum in Budapest as well as Liszt’s birthplace in Raiding and at Esterhazy Palace under the patronage of Prince Anton Esterhazy attest to her growing reputation as one of the finest interpreters of Liszt performing and recording today.
The American Record Guide has announced: “Her competition is virtually nil.”
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